All screenplays on the and domain are copyrighted to their respective authors. All rights reserved. This screenplaymay not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.
Like mo, I don't seem to get the newsletters now. Humm.
As I haven't got the newsletter I don't know which Philip has also been selected.
It's Phil Whitcroft with his nifty script, A Halloween Carol. Kev's is the 1979 deal! And it's a good way to go. Perks of Being a Wallflower was a big indie hit that's a high school period piece.
I've got both scripts, if anyone needs them, give me a shout. My Dropbox-fu is very low. Maybe that would be easier for someone else to set up? Regardless, I'll send them to everyone that wants them. Let's get our guys in the spotlight for some big boy pants reviews!
LATEST NEWS CineVita Films is producing a short based on my new feature!
Congrats to all. I don't know anything about scriptshadow, don't even understand what these weeks mean but seems like it's a desired place to be and very few scripts get there (still have a very vague idea about "there"). Anyway, congrats and best of luck to ED, Kevin and Philip!
Like mo, I don't seem to get the newsletters now. Humm.
The newsletter has been a funny one in recent weeks. I did receive one this week and Carson said something about being sick so I don’t know how much of an impact that had? On the same note, I didn’t receive one last week so who knows…
Haven't gotten anything yet, either. Between the tail end of the flu, and the upcoming shorts week, my guess is that Carson's just overwhelmed right now.
BTW - CONGRATS to both Kev and Phil for getting their scripts up there! I can personally say I've read Kev's script back when it was called Goon - and it's a neat twist on High Noon (incorporating a number of quirky kid subcultures back in the 70s.)
Well, I guess we'll have to wait to the end of the week about our AF candidates. Carson's revealing his fave short on Friday. So I guess there's no amateur feature review this week. Looks like Kev and Phil have to keep holding their breath!
I hope everyone voiced their thoughts on the scripts. If not, looks like there's still time to chime in.
LATEST NEWS CineVita Films is producing a short based on my new feature!
Looking through the shorts articles so far this week. I've noticed two days in a row, Carson's complained about "taking heads" shorts.
He speaks of them with such disdain, but I think he's forgetting something... Production Feasibility. Futuristic time travel steampunk silent shorts - expensive. Zombie tiger hordes attacking - expensive.
I hope his readers don't get the wrong idea here. That they have to write mega budget shorts to get noticed.
LATEST NEWS CineVita Films is producing a short based on my new feature!