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Nerve-wracking for who? I've got to potentially be the tie-breaker for a couple of these and be solely responsible for eliminating people. That's depressing. Break those ties! Lol. =)
Do not envy you that task at all.
You may want to consider advancing all ties to the next round and just have some brackets with three scripts rather than two. Just a thought.
That's intimidating. (Probably) I was a bit naive here. However, I really wanna know what you do on the board, go with horses or whatever.
But I don't want to disrespect you. I'm really not a mature player, and because of that fact you shouldn't have to spend time with me.
Haha... horses. Yeah, I think it would be a different level. I play a London System as white and as black it really depends what white does but my main lines tend to fall into Sicilian Pterodactyl lines (g6, Bg7, c5), although I am also comfortable playing Benoni, Modern, Kings Indian Defence, and Pirc lines that I can fall into from the same opening - depending what white does. Although I am also fairly good with The Dutch (Classical and Stonewall, not so much the Leningrad variation) which starts with f5 usually.
Anyway, I've given you the link. Sign up. It's free and free to play if you don't mind a few ads. You don't have to play me as there will be lots playing at your own level. If you put in a lot of effort you could reach my level in 5 years or so.
Haha... horses. Yeah, I think it would be a different level. I play a London System as white and as black it really depends what white does but my main lines tend to fall into Sicilian Pterodactyl lines (g6, Bg7, c5), although I am also comfortable playing Benoni, Modern, Kings Indian Defence, and Pirc lines that I can fall into from the same opening - depending what white does. Although I am also fairly good with The Dutch (Classical and Stonewall, not so much the Leningrad variation) which starts with f5 usually.
Haha... horses. Yeah, I think it would be a different level. I play a London System as white and as black it really depends what white does but my main lines tend to fall into Sicilian Pterodactyl lines (g6, Bg7, c5), although I am also comfortable playing Benoni, Modern, Kings Indian Defence, and Pirc lines that I can fall into from the same opening - depending what white does. Although I am also fairly good with The Dutch (Classical and Stonewall, not so much the Leningrad variation) which starts with f5 usually.
Anyway, I've given you the link. Sign up. It's free and free to play if you don't mind a few ads. You don't have to play me as there will be lots playing at your own level. If you put in a lot of effort you could reach my level in 5 years or so.
Yeah. I'll consider looking into that page. Those chess players really don't give themselves humble categories in their System (expert, grandmaster etc...). Will look up for the openings/styles you mentioned as well. I once beat my friend with a pawn that with my king in tow crossed the whole board, standing far behind his own king then, and against a big disadvantage. Couldn't believe it's possible to position those two that effective.
Back to this game. Still some time to read. I just realize that when you're logged in you cannot vote again on the polls you've voted before. Not that I wanted to, rather I thought "damn did I forget that one".
Speaking about checking - just checked if I voted on all pairs and yes, I did. Now to the loners, I mean the scripts that don't have a pair and the ones that pulled out.
About those that run close together - too bad you have to be a tie-breaker, Sean. Any other member won't be viewed as a tie-breaker, he's just a voter as much as any other. But your voting is a different thing. Maybe you can ask a member to read or something.
He's a writer, and who better than him to judge whether the scripts had adhered to the given criteria?
I really like this thought. Maybe if he has the time he could read few other scripts as well as opposed to just ties and tell us. This way it won't be just breaking a tie but doing a round of reading. I mean I don't think he should or anything.