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"Everyone who voted for Tom gave his script a value of 4. Everyone who voted for Mary gave her a 5. Tom's value rankings = 40, Mary's = 50. Mary moves on to next round. "
Which means that Tom may get more votes while Mary may appear an overall winner.
I'd really like that, but think it's a lot of hassle for the organizers.
"Everyone who voted for Tom gave his script a value of 4. Everyone who voted for Mary gave her a 5. Tom's value rankings = 40, Mary's = 50. Mary moves on to next round. "
Which means that Tom may get more votes while Mary may appear an overall winner.
I'd really like that, but think it's a lot of hassle for the organizers.
No - only go to the total points as a tie breaker if the vote is tied. e.g., in my example 10-10.
Again - too late for round one but my concern is that as we move on I think the likelihood of ties increase and one person having to read and decide is going to be a tough challenge -
As another alternative - Don could solicit three writers who didn't make it as the tie breakers for for the next round.
I think recruiting writers is more feasible and possible even at this stage.
For the next time - let's say I could read all of the entries but hold off voting. Then vote when the voting period is over but before the names are announced.
Just checked the voting. 3 races are very close. Let's get those votes in. Full disclosure: My script is not close, so I'm cheer leading for those races that are so that the tie breaking procedure doesn't have to be implemented.
I'm interested in reading animation, horror, sci fy, suspense, fantasy, and anything that is good. I enjoy writing the same. Looking to team with anyone!
I'm interested in reading animation, horror, sci fy, suspense, fantasy, and anything that is good. I enjoy writing the same. Looking to team with anyone!
Comedy is a funny thing (no pun intended). I think most of can write it when inspired but when you're forced to do it, it's like having a gun put to your head and being told to spell restaurant (thank God for spell check).
Wanted to tell everyone... wait a sec, let me brush all these breadcrumbs off... I'll just say I don't expect to be in the second round.
This has been a fun writing exercise with great feedback, and I plan to (1) stick around and keep voting in the tournament and (2) fix the I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T SEE THAT errors in my script and send it in as a slightly expanded short sometime within the week. Will try to stick to the bracket parameters if possible.
I should be through at this point unless the shit really hits the fan in the next 7 hours. I'm not sure I deserve it, and have been surprised at some of the positive comments on my script.
I personally think that most of the scripts that should go through will (other than the dead heats, who knows), It means round 2 is going to be brutal, good batch of writers that can navigate their way though some pretty tricky topics.
Sean, I am loving this!!!!! What a great idea.
And many thanks to Don for making this space available to all of us.