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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Short Action / Adventure Scripts  /  Blade Man
Posted by: Don, May 30th, 2019, 10:43am
Blade Man by Samuel Lamayo - Short, Action, Adventure - A teen named Howard,once dreamt of a new experience,is now set on a mission to bring vengeance to his family. 24 pages - pdf format

Writer interested in feedback on this work

Posted by: eldave1, May 30th, 2019, 10:55am; Reply: 1
Samuel - opened this. Just from the first 1/3rd page I'd recommend that you do some clean-up.

Quoted Text

Should be:


Quoted Text
HOWARD EVANS wakes up in the morning from the bed.

Don't need in the morning - it's in the header already. Give us an age an a description - this is your main character. e.g., something like:

HOWARD EVANS (30), stirs awake. He has a thick build, balding hair.

Whatever - let's us see him as you do.

Quoted Text
He fixes his bed; Take a bath, and dress up.

You can't do this - that's two or three different scenes. You could not reference them at all and just show him in the next scene showered and dressed - but you can't do it the way you did.

Also - should be dresses.

Quoted Text
MARIA EVANS(HOWARD EVANS' mother) calls him for breakfast.

Delete Howard's Mother - it's an unfilmable. Just have him refer to him as Mom later.

Quoted Text
This is my daily life. As you can
see,I love my family,My
mom,Maria,My dad,Brian,who
unfortunately died a few years
ago.Fun fact,when my father is the
most wealthiest man in the
ciry.Still,there's mom to support
me.But I want to be something
else,something different.

Riddled with typos and grammar errors. Almost every line.

Check out Grammerly - it's a free tool.

Hope this helps. Best of luck.
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