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  Author    The Family Name  (currently 4976 views)
Posted: July 25th, 2008, 12:16pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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The Family Name by Timothy F. Betts (souterfell) - (Sitka Spruce) - Short, Drama - An elderly collator pursues a coincidence to his past life. - pdf, format

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Don  -  August 5th, 2008, 2:40pm
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The boy who could fly
Posted: July 26th, 2008, 5:10pm Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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I liked this one.  It fit the challenge quite well.  I was confused with all the Ing's at, but after a little bit I got used to it.  I think once Irving figures out who Ing really is it moves along too fast, I think there would be a few moments of shock and trying to get used to it, but other than that it was written well and it was an interesting story that worked well for the challenge.

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Posted: July 26th, 2008, 5:36pm Report to Moderator

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This is a quality work. It’s well developed and very bleak. However it seems quite drawn out. The story progresses quite slowly and the writing style is the same so perhaps it’s tough to enjoy reading it.

After a bleak start like this if you could find a way to accelerate towards an up beat end this would be great. OK it might also destroy your integrity, but you’ve got to eat!

One specific point where I was confused was the “condition” element at the end of page 2. Thinking about it I think you mean “distress”. Condition initially implied a medical problem to me. I thought he was having a heart attack or something!

Another very minor point is that I thought your use of the required dialog felt a bit stretched.

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Posted: July 26th, 2008, 7:01pm Report to Moderator
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Didn't anyone ever tell you to avoid using ING?

To be honest I did find the number characters named ING in this were a bit confusing.

I thought the eventual story that arrives was a good one,  but it took far too long to get there.  I would start this on the door step because there really isn't much before that point that is critical to the story.

Also, I did find it strecthing believability that the guy would know it was his dad just from the tiger.  I think there has to be more there.

But nicely done and it fit the challenge.    
e-mail Reply: 3 - 23
Souter Fell
Posted: July 27th, 2008, 8:33am Report to Moderator

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I liked it. The "ing" name was a little confusing but mostly just made me read closer and pay better attention.

The ending scene does move much quicker than the rest of the story. Don't know how I feel about the bevy of emotions that must be occuring in such a small time frame.

I do like the bleak ending. And it fit th challenge criteria very well.  Good show

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Zombie Sean
Posted: July 27th, 2008, 2:03pm Report to Moderator
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Finally, one that actually went with the genre. But I'm sure more will follow.

This one was cute, though, like everyone else, the name "Ing" was confusing, and it took me a while to know who was who.

I really have nothing else to say, except that there were a few spelling mistakes and I liked the joke at the end.


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Posted: July 27th, 2008, 2:27pm Report to Moderator
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I actually missed the line first time I read it, but went back and found it after.

Overall I really liked this story, the best of those in the challenge I've read so far, though like others said, I wonder if less time could have been spent in the beginning at Ing's job and more focus given to his conversation with his son.
e-mail Reply: 6 - 23
Posted: July 28th, 2008, 5:59am Report to Moderator
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First off  "SPOILERS"  

This one fit the challenge, and I think you did a real good job with it.

The voice over on page one should be O.S. though, because Jameson is in the same room, even though he hasn't been introduced yet.

A couple minor type o's... those nasty little things...

now on to the story...

I didn't think there were too many Ings.

I thought the beginning was fine. Him in a dull job... drinking... Honorable discharge... it showed the backstory.

I liked the short, but I felt bad for Ing. Thinking his staying away would give his family a better life, when obviously his son would have wanted him around.

The highest mountain. I liked that, too. Just because you don't know something, doesn't mean it isn't there.
I took that as: I've always loved you even though you didn't see it.

I wonder what would have happened if one of the kids overheard their conversation outside?

Nice job,

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Posted: July 28th, 2008, 10:41am Report to Moderator
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The bleak North East, England
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This was a good story and the first real drama one I've read so far.  

I have to agree with Michael though that I'm not sure Irving would know it was his dad from a paper tiger, saying that, I've heard that people have a sense that they are related to someone.

I thought the beginning was fine and the ending was sad but worked well.  The best I've read so far.

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Posted: July 29th, 2008, 7:42pm Report to Moderator
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Florida, USA
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Took a little effort to get past the Ing name...Short for Ingmar maybe? Good descriptions of a soul eating job and the people who work there (I did that sort of thing for a while in High School)...There was some heart in this story and definitily hit the drama button.

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently - Dove Chocolate Wrapper
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Posted: July 29th, 2008, 9:32pm Report to Moderator

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i didn't nessesarily have a problem with the name ING...just was a tad ehh with the choice of amount of names. But it all made sense by the end.

I thought this was written well, def did fit the challenge but..okay this isn't you, it's me. Sometimes a drama can easily go cliche and too soap opera for me. Sometimes for me this one did (the dialogue with the father and son at end) but then i ask myself "how else should it be done right?"

The way i do things is to play with word choices and structure to make it like characters have a voice of their own.

The backstory before the main issue at the end  i think is good. I think while filming you get a sense of character and by ends way you see how and why things are the way they are.

Good job! And good luck!

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Posted: July 30th, 2008, 6:31am Report to Moderator
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This was a very well written piece. Many of the other entries in this challenge have resorted to superficial action like violence to try and create drama, but you went the low key approach and tackled a family drama and I reckon your story has way more clout than any of them, because it resonates with emotional truth.
I was impressed by the way you seamlessly worked the theme/line into the dialogue and I liked the line about the brooding emo daughter. But the icing on the cake for me was the serve Irving gave Ing right at the end. That was great. No complaints from me.

Well done.
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Sandra Elstree.
Posted: July 30th, 2008, 3:37pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

What if the Hokey Pokey, IS what it's all about?

Bowden, Alberta
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This is obviously a well written short that has a ring to it!

It only has a couple of minor typos, it flows well, the feel of the mundane is well drawn out and the meaning of the script is perfectly tied to the title.

I don't have any real complaints with it. Maybe the phrase, in keeping with the theme, is a bit tacked on, but it takes nothing away from the quality of the script.

The reason I say "tacked on" isn't because the story doesn't deal with mail, but
it doesn't deal with the kind of "wow idea" that I thought was meant in the challenge.

My suggestion would be to change the ending. I was thinking: Do they really have to go their separate ways?

Especially, since Ing says to Irving, "It's the start of a new relationship." It only makes sense that it end on a good note.

Now I think I'll end with what I'm going to guess, (because I haven't read any of the reviews so far) might be a complaint.

Some people might say that this is too cliche, that there's nothing new here, but I say, that cliche "themes" are all that writing is about-- all that life is about. The themes never change. Now, that's not to say that cliched word choices are good, but even they are perfect sometimes if we're dealing with a cliched character. For instance:

The old lady (might be me someday-- might be me even now) with all the cats who says, "I think the weather's gonna change-- I can feel it in my bones."

In this OWC, we dealt with a theme where the mundaness and cliched ideas surrounding postal workers have surfaced in many of the scripts. There was definitely, in most of the scripts I've read so far, the idea of dissatisfaction, where the question for the mailman/postal worker is: Didn't you want to be more? Do more with your life?

It's interesting, because Blakkwolfe said, and I have to agree, that being a mailman, doesn't sound like a bad job.

A great benefits package, and what I would say is that getting out each day and moving about in the external environment sounds like a really healthy job, (despite breathing in smog if you're in a city that has poor air quality-- but that's another story).

So what I'm trying to say here is that if the idea of "the missing father" who shows up one day on his grown up son's doorstep is said to be too cliche, I would say: Talk to my husband who hasn't seen his father since he was four years old. Talk to an old friend of mine whose mother walked out on him when he was little.

These people are "living stereotypes". They are living cliches. And like I said, so am I. And one day, if I ever make it as a professional writer, I will live in a big house with lots of cats, I might even put on an apron (who says no one does that anymore) and serve my husband his scotch with some smoked salmon and cream cheese (which will bring all the cats swarming into our living room) but we'll be ready with many cat treats.

Anyways, this one was done extremely well. If you can maybe develop the characters just a little bit more, that's what I think I'd like to see. Take it up just a bit to that next level. You've already done that with the origami. Maybe you could write in a scene that shows "the emptiness" Ing feels before he finds the piece of mail to deliver. Besides, the mundane at work, show his loneliness perhaps.

That might be a good idea. Then there's a little bit more of a build before he finds the letter and goes to meet his son.

You might also enter into both lives at once in the beginning. Go back and forth between Ing in his world, and his father, (though we don't know it yet) in his.

Excellent work!!!!


A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.
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Posted: July 31st, 2008, 2:12am Report to Moderator

Venice, CA
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Good solid effort.

Probably the only straight drama I've read so far.  Most of us (including myself of course) had to resort to various other genre elements in order to pound out this short but you took the road less traveled and were faithfully true to the 'challenge'.  Kudos.

Pacing was a tad slow but I think it fit well with the plodding life that Ing has been reduced to.

Yeah... paper tiger might have been a stretch but I'll give you credit for inventing a different approach to revealing this plot point.  Much better than just regurgitating this:
"Irving... I am your FATHER!  Search your feelings... you know it be true."
Although, given the dramatic build-up, none of the readers would have seen that line coming.
Unfortunately, the straight drama story I just commended you for writing, would have gone right out the window.  Anyway... I'm quickly losing my focus.  I guess pounding out a pot of coffee at midnight isn't such a good idea.  My fingers are getting way ahead of my brain.

Back to the lecture at hand... I liked the story.  Felt the father son conversation did slip into a slight cliche.  Would have maybe liked to see a more difinitive reason for Ing abandoning his family other than the fairly standard, yet always depressing "I was no good for you".

However, the 'highest mountain' analogy really saved the finish and helped send me off with a satisfied feeling.

Again, good job nailing the genre and creating a readable drama.  

"Who am I to judge and strike you down?" -- Tool
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Posted: July 31st, 2008, 6:24pm Report to Moderator
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Newcastle, England
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This worked really well, very dramatic.

I liked the way the monotony of his job/life was shown through his V.O early on. I felt that portrayed a lot about Ing's character in a very short space.

The scene with the family was quite moving, I liked his joke/message and Irving's reaction to it. That felt real.

I didn't think the quote fitted all that well in that piece of dialogue -- wouldn't he say "but the guys at the post office are never gonna believe that"? not 'this'. That's a pretty minor failing though so overall a really good script. Excellent writing technique too.

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Posted: August 1st, 2008, 6:50am Report to Moderator
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My UZI Weighs A Ton

Northern Hemisphere
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This definitely fit the theme and genre spot on but, while it was well written, it was a very slow read. Those big blocks of text in first 2-3 pages really sucked the life out of it imo. I guess it was done intentionally, to show the boring humdrum of Ing's life but still...

Nitpicks, I'm not happy with all the use of 'begins to' / 'starts to'. Do or don't - in my book anyway.

The drama in this drama lacked a little 'oomph' in my opinion. We've seen the premise before I think, and it never really reached the level where it takes your breath away.

But for a 10-page OWC entry this was a damn fine effort.


Down in the hole / Jesus tries to crack a smile / Beneath another shovel load
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Posted: August 1st, 2008, 7:54pm Report to Moderator
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Nice story, and certainly agree that you nailed the theme of the OWC perfectly. I did actually get a little confused halfway through and had to stop and go back a page or two and read again, but this is something that I find I need to do in lots of scripts whenever there are 3-4 characters in a scene, no no biggie here.

Maybe the post office line was shoehorned slightly uncomfortably into the conversation, I certainly had to stop and think about it and still not 100% it makes perfect sense but really that is quite picky as it does fit into the story you have created quite well.

I would have expected some more emotion towards the end and agree with a few other comments that perhaps would have been better to lose a couple of pages from the start and use the spare paper to give us something more when they finally meet up.

Great read overall, nice job.

e-mail Reply: 16 - 23
Posted: August 5th, 2008, 6:06pm Report to Moderator
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Florida, USA
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Excellent job, Tim! Very well done...Solid, believable characters with a strong backstory; Nailed the drama genre with no room for doubt...

t. joe

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently - Dove Chocolate Wrapper
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Sandra Elstree.
Posted: August 5th, 2008, 7:00pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

What if the Hokey Pokey, IS what it's all about?

Bowden, Alberta
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Tim you did an excellent job with this one.

I felt this gray quality quality coming through underneath the surface
even before we knew anything about Ing's past.

You had me fooled. I really thought you wrote "The Ballad of Uncle Sam".

The Family Man touched my heart. A man believes his love is insufficient
and that belief separates him from his son until "The Family Name," delivers
its message-- maybe one, last, time.

This one rings true!


A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.
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Souter Fell
Posted: August 5th, 2008, 7:47pm Report to Moderator

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Sitka Spruce checkin in. Kinda like that name. Like Indian-Canadian action star.

Anyway, thanks everybody for the kind words.  After last Challenge when I stretched the meaning of "drama," I figured I'd play this one by the book.

Funny someone mentioned "about ING words." When I was looking for a peculiar name that Ing couldn't resist thinking might be his lost son, it just came to mind. I have been, in reviews of previous scripts, accused (rightly so) of using -ing way too much with my verbs. I love playing with character names so I couldn't resist.

Many thought the opening sequence went on too long. Maybe it's the bulk of narrative rather than dialogue but Ing lives a life of isolated monotomy. Plus it's barely over two pages. Maybe I can condense some of the narrative.

The Act 2 turn: I was tempted to add flashes of Irving remembering his childhood and Ing making him a paper tiger but I guess I put faith that the actor would be able to portray this realization.

Act 3: I soooo tried not to make this soapy. I do a lot of deliveries at work and the two days before I tackled this part I was improv-ing the confrontation out loud in the van. It's funny how the particulars changed each time I did it. The joke. I had actually read it in an old riddle book months ago and had been looking to use it in a script forever. It was presented straight in the book but as I thought about it, it became such a powerful metaphor that for perception and belief that I couldn't resist.

Not to toot my own horn "toot-toot" but my favorite part of the script was the resolution of lack there of.  Ing seems like such a sympathetic character but then we find out what happened to get him to such a dull, gray life. By the time all is revealed sympathy gives way to pity, the difference being that we still feel bad for Ing but know that this is his doing.  We may want Irving to be able to forgive and reconcile but we, like Ing, know we must accept whatever Irving's decision is.

Anyway, I'm glad yous like it (for the most part). It's one of my favorite pieces I written so far. If you really like it and would like a little more heartbreaking drama, you could check out "How You Play The Game" in my sig. It got really little response, maybe due to its' environment (a baseball game) but I think it a good little piece as well.

Thanks again peoples.

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Souter Fell
Posted: August 5th, 2008, 9:25pm Report to Moderator

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Sandra Elstree.
Posted: August 7th, 2008, 1:14am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

What if the Hokey Pokey, IS what it's all about?

Bowden, Alberta
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Dad can ask forgiveness, but he can never lose: The Family Name.

This is a story for anyone who ever chased a dream-- and who hasn't.


A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.
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Site Private Message Reply: 21 - 23
Posted: August 29th, 2009, 9:05pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Wherever I go, there Jwent.

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pssst, you forgot to fade in. me too

"This is the home of junk mail."

How do we know this???

Hmm. Jameson, funny name, but it would be what i would like to have in my flask, anywho... He knows he has no family but yet needs to ask what kinda name "Ing" is. i feel like these two know each other a little better than that bantor.

"You could cook dinner in bed the place is so

Don't put jokes in your descriptions, unlesss you're me.

Capitilize the  army certificate so we know the camera is studying it.

"Ing, now dressed in the best wool suit Goodwill Thrift has
to offer, still focuses on the letter."

Now i think you are a complete ass. i used to buy toys there... To put M100's in. Again, i'm not a big fan of little jokes in the descriptions. Save them for dialogue.

Alright, I'm finished. Nice piece. Umm... i'm three sheets to the wind so give my remarks some space. This was very touching. And to get an ass like me a little emotional you've done a fine job. I do find it a little funny that Irving couldn't recognize his own father. Or the importance of the letter. It was really just Ing's excuse to see his grandchildren??? So he wrote it himself and couldn't get the address right? But he showed up at the right house regardless?

Don't worry, you'll have plenty of oppurtunities for revenge. Look in the OWC. The worst script you may ever read is in there, and, pssssst. I wrote it...    james

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Souter Fell
Posted: August 31st, 2009, 6:29pm Report to Moderator

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Hey James, thanks for your libatious crits. Yeah. Sometimes I omit fade-ins. Feels more traditional than functional to have it since so maybe movies just start but i can go along with it as long as I can remember.

Just cause a guy ain't got no family don't mean he don't know how he got his name. Jameson is more of an slight antagonist to Ing than a friend.

Good tip about capitolizing the certificate.

I'll put humor wherever I want! But seriously, I feel if humor can both describe what's actually on the screen as well as the tone of the scene, and maybe make it less dry to read without being too literary, it can be used.

I'm partial to Salvation army, myself.

Glad it struck a chord with you. Time frame wise, Irving states that he was only five when Ing left. This is probably thirty years ago. And since Irving's mom toldhim he was dead, he had no contact.

The letter. Ing hadn't seen his son in decades. He says he lost contact when Irving and the mom moved. And when such a peculiar name crossed his path he, as he later says "confused a coincidence for a sign." The way these mailing places work is that all the address on printed on from a database. They are then assembled. Hence the "letter, brochure, envelope." So he didn't write it. It just, luckily or unluckily, caught his eye.

Anyway, where someone comments on something I did a year ago, I'll take whatever crits i get. And I'll be on the lookout for the worst script.

Thanks, Tim

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