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1 (100.00%)
The Halloween '24 One Week Challenge Theme is...   (reply) Posted by: Zombie Sean
Date Posted: 12 minutes ago

Quoted from Don

It's a tradition.  Everyone else on the site has done it.  There is a whole hidden thread of the "Order of the SimplyScripts Thong" pictures.

Once you submit your thong picture, you are granted access.  

It's quite an honor, really.

I can attest to this. I’ve seen proof of Don’s shrine of “thong photos” that have been submitted.

1 (100.00%)
The Halloween '24 One Week Challenge Theme is...   (reply) Posted by: Don
Date Posted: Today, 7:27am

Quoted from Grandma Bear

...and we need picture proof of it!  

It's a tradition.  Everyone else on the site has done it.  There is a whole hidden thread of the "Order of the SimplyScripts Thong" pictures.

Once you submit your thong picture, you are granted access.  

It's quite an honor, really.

1 (100.00%)
I made a little Halloween film with the grandkids.   (reply) Posted by: bert
Date Posted: Today, 6:45am
Love it, and clearly a labor of love.

Quite the brood you've got there, and you can kind of tell who is the boss amongst the cousins.

The voices sounded like watching an old Peanuts cartoon.
1 (100.00%)
I made a little Halloween film with the grandkids.   (reply) Posted by: Don
Date Posted: Today, 6:24am

Quoted from Grandma Bear

And here's the kicker, I forgot the f'n writer's credit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, if a producer had done that to me, I would be pissed off!!!  

May I post this to the main site?  

"Who writes this stuff?  It's creepy."

1 (100.00%)
I made a little Halloween film with the grandkids.   (reply) Posted by: LC
Date Posted: Yesterday, 11:36pm
Brilliant.     That witch scared the crap out of me. Always hated witches. Never work with kids or animals, indeed - loved the dog cameo, and fine performances from all.
This was really great, Pia!
1 (100.00%)
I made a little Halloween film with the grandkids. Posted by: Grandma Bear
Date Posted: Yesterday, 10:15pm
So, this past July, I had the less-than-great idea, some might even call it stupid idea, to make a Halloween movie with my grandkids, ages 7, 7, 7, 5, 5. They say you don't want to write kids or animals into your scripts and now I know why. I honestly think it would've been easier if I had tried to make a film with our cat. 😁
Their attention only lasted for 15-20 minutes. After that, it just all turned into a circus. We tried a second day, but it started out with two kids stepping in dog poop, and there was no recovery from that. 🤣
Anyway, this is Pumpkin Nightmare 3.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video ...

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1 (100.00%)
Locus   (reply) Posted by: LC
Date Posted: Yesterday, 9:13pm
Goodo! I hope you get some more reads, Jayden.
OWC coming up this weekend too. Still time to enter.
1 (100.00%)
Locus   (reply) Posted by: JaydenRose
Date Posted: Yesterday, 7:24pm
Hey LC! I just wanted to let you know that I took your advice and reworked my scene description. I will wait for Zack (and/or others) to post his/their feedback to see if I should change anything else to make the story clearer.

Thanks again!
1 (100.00%)
Salem's Lot   (reply) Posted by: Grandma Bear
Date Posted: Yesterday, 6:22pm
I guess to me it was disappointing that some of the scariest moments in the book didn't really work here at all, but the biggest letdown of all was that it could easily have been swapping vampires for zombies and it would have been like a million other zombie films we've seen. They also showed Barlow too much. When you have a monster, don't overuse them, or we become dull to their appearances.
1 (100.00%)
The Halloween '24 One Week Challenge Theme is...   (reply) Posted by: Grandma Bear
Date Posted: Yesterday, 6:17pm

Quoted from LC

I think you're a bit confused - he might fling an SS thong your way (which obviously you're not familiar with) if you're lucky.

...and we need picture proof of it!  
1 (100.00%)
Scared Yet? - Picked up for production   (reply) Posted by: SAC
Date Posted: Yesterday, 5:41pm
Congrats Zack!!!
1 (100.00%)
Scared Yet? - Picked up for production   (reply) Posted by: LC
Date Posted: Yesterday, 5:39pm
Yay, Zack! Congrats! Any details, or are things under wraps? Definitely looking forward to seeing it in the future.
1 (100.00%)
The Halloween '24 One Week Challenge Theme is...   (reply) Posted by: LC
Date Posted: Yesterday, 5:36pm

Quoted from Drongo Bum
Don's sending me his entire stock of OWC mugs.Because he may as well get it over with.

I think you're a bit confused - he might fling an SS thong your way (which obviously you're not familiar with) if you're lucky.

1 (100.00%)
Forecourt Fiasco   (reply) Posted by: Stoneyscripts
Date Posted: Yesterday, 5:11pm
JTF: Correct - petrol tank. But you get the gist I take it. Ha!
1 (100.00%)
Scared Yet? - Picked up for production   (reply) Posted by: Don
Date Posted: Yesterday, 5:07pm
Hi Zack,

Script removed. I'd like to hold off on locking it so you can bask in the adulation of your peers (and bitter envy).


1 (100.00%)
Salem's Lot   (reply) Posted by: AnthonyCawood
Date Posted: Yesterday, 3:38pm
Loved the original, not heard anything good about this version... I'll catch it eventually on streaming.
1 (100.00%)
Scared Yet? - Picked up for production   (reply) Posted by: Zack
Date Posted: Yesterday, 3:34pm
This one has been picked up for production. Don, would you please remove the script and lock this thread.
1 (100.00%)
Hey You   (reply) Posted by: SAC
Date Posted: Yesterday, 2:49pm

Quoted from JtF
Dear Steven,
maybe have some camera feed of Ed pulling into the gas station as my inital thought was "why him?", then the three cowboys being Tres Amigo's or ZZ Top!?
I think you need to show the QR code penetrating his eye (and brain).
If the misdirection was competing Big Oil companies. As written it just seems a bloodbath.
Best - JtF

ZZ Top would have been funny!

I like the idea of the QR code penetrating his brain.  Would make for a nice scene, and a challenge to write!

Wasn’t necessarily thinking competing oil companies more than I was thinking the big money corporations who seem to have control over everything. Getting a bit cynical in my old age.
1 (100.00%)
Hey You   (reply) Posted by: SAC
Date Posted: Yesterday, 2:45pm

Quoted from LC

Steve, have you, after all this time, not learned how to edit your post?

The transition from what's cooking good-looking to now I'm going to snap your neck, darling, was effective. Perhaps he snaps back to consciousness - a moment of clarity of what he's done before getting the knife? That might add a layer of sympathy and audience reaction.

Like I implied before, establish the rules of this concept and really go for it.

P.S. On second read, there's an additional full-stop second paragraph p.3.

Yes, I know how to edit. Lol. I just got lazy is all.

Thanks for all the catches. On another read of this I can see it’s littered with them! Damn, I should’ve prodded this harder but I kin...

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1 (100.00%)
Salem's Lot   (reply) Posted by: Zack
Date Posted: Yesterday, 1:54pm
I watched the new one. It's a mess. Huge chunks of the film just seem to be missing. The entire town becomes vampires way too fast, IMO. There's a lot of good stuff, but overall it's a missed opportunity. Still, I didn't hate it. Lol.
1 (100.00%)
Salem's Lot Posted by: Grandma Bear
Date Posted: Yesterday, 1:21pm
Salem's Lot is, for me, the scariest of all his books. I have watched the old movie with David Soul and Bonnie Bedelia many times and I like it even though it's by no stretch of the imagination a great film. I was really really excited about this new that came out a few weeks ago since I thought the trailer looked great. Before I go on about my thoughts on this film, have any of you guys seen it? What were your thoughts?
1 (100.00%)
Longing Heart   (reply) Posted by: JtF
Date Posted: Yesterday, 1:12pm
Dear Yeshwanth,
yes the bond between humans and dogs is very special. I think you could compare and contrast the serenity of the first painting with a Lab's "free form bouncy behaviour" and add further tension with the door PLUS a phone call at the same time to distract.
Then the search would be nothing less than frantic. Tight snatched dialogue "I've lost my dog!" "Have you seen a dog!" etc.
All worth it for the final image resolve. Best - JtF
1 (100.00%)
Forecourt Fiasco   (reply) Posted by: JtF
Date Posted: Yesterday, 1:00pm
Dear John,
Goodness me! This is a bit like one of Bart's bogus calls to Moe's bar . . . .
Please spell check. FYI the sump is where the oil goes. You mean tank or petrol tank.
All best - JtF
1 (100.00%)
The Last Stand   (reply) Posted by: JtF
Date Posted: Yesterday, 12:54pm
Dear Krishna,
the pdf displays for me in full page word wrap - not the approved layout. Further reading would be really difficult. Please reformat and upload. Best - JtF
1 (100.00%)
Optical Intrusions   (reply) Posted by: JtF
Date Posted: Yesterday, 12:48pm
Dear John,
clever stuff!
My first Word 6 computer insisted on spell checking/changing the new Pentium CPU's to "penis" . . .
Wang's have been computers and office machiery / wedding dresses etc.

Alas for poor Chuck - less is more. All best - JtF
1 (100.00%)
The Halloween '24 One Week Challenge Theme is...   (reply) Posted by: Drongo Bum
Date Posted: Yesterday, 9:45am
Don's sending me his entire stock of OWC mugs.

Because he may as well get it over with.
1 (100.00%)
The Halloween '24 One Week Challenge Theme is...   (reply) Posted by: kcranford
Date Posted: Yesterday, 8:53am

Quoted from Drongo Bum

He's my stand in and stunt double.

Really? God, you're so conceited.

Me, conceited? Nah, I’m actually “very demure, very mindful”  
1 (100.00%)
The Halloween '24 One Week Challenge Theme is...   (reply) Posted by: MarkRenshaw
Date Posted: Yesterday, 8:33am
I've managed to 'humbly' get the first draft done. Gonna spend the next few days tweaking it, making it more readable, and even more awesome - if that is possible.
1 (100.00%)
The Halloween '24 One Week Challenge Theme is...   (reply) Posted by: Matthew Taylor
Date Posted: Yesterday, 4:06am

Quoted from LC

P.S. Now I'm just waiting for mind-reader Matt to appear and start gloating.

I never gloat!

... But I was right  

1 (100.00%)
Due   (reply) Posted by: ArmyOfBarkness
Date Posted: Yesterday, 3:47am

So, I kinda loved this. I'm basically your target audience and I'd definitely watch this. It's super fun, I LOVED that scene with the nurse, and I was invested in the characters. Great choice to have us believe for like almost half the whole thing that Casey is the big bad. I was theorizing she was some sort of witch that wants the baby, and so on. Really fun.
Yeah, sure, there's some cliches here and there, things we often see in horror, but really who cares, you know. It's impossible to put something on screen that hasn't been done already in some way or another. Some things are cliche for a reason. And that's because they work. Just look at Smile. Sure, it's full of stuff we've seen before, but it works, dammit.


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