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  Author    Last Cigarette - OWC  (currently 6258 views)
Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 1:31pm Report to Moderator
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I thought this was an interesting read; the use of cigarettes was unique and, probably, very realistic.  Unfortunately, I didn't feel for Stan that much.  Maybe if the script was a little longer.  I don't know.  All that you really told us about him involved the cigarettes.  Tyler, I thought, was two dimensional and stereotypical.

I think a rewrite on this script (without any time and space contraints), would do this story wonders, though.  And I wouldn't mind reading it again if it was worked on a little.

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James R
Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 3:44pm Report to Moderator

Supper time!

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This is one of the best. I didn't love Stan that much at first, but you made Tyler such an a** that I had no choice but to cheer for Stan. Well done.

pp. 9 "yet he still has a lot of fight in him yet" was from the Department of Redundancy Department.

This one really reminded me of a lot of the short films I have seen. Little dialogue with a lot of visual. The descriptions were awesome, I wouldn't change a thing.

Top 5, easily.


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Old Time Wesley
Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 5:23pm Report to Moderator
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Ontario, Canada
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I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Probably the best I have read so far.

The descriptions were top notch except the few times you told us things (It read like some of the dialogue in Sin City)

The dialogue for the most part was expected. I didn't like the VO's; they just felt pointless except the final one.

Older gentlemen are more sympathetic if they don't swear so much. I would have felt for the guy a little more if the VO's didn't leave a lot to be desired.

His dialogue when talking normal though was good.

Tyler was your stereotypical villain and like most other scripts in this "challenge" played the part. He did start out nice though which was a nice change.

I would definitely like to read more by the writer of this one. Good job.

Practice safe lunch: Use a condiment.
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Abe from LA
Posted: March 5th, 2008, 6:15pm Report to Moderator
Been Around

Downey, California
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A quick, interesting read.  I think you captured the feel of the prison world and your dialogue had a nice rhythm.
As another reader mentioned, I too thought that Tyler, a young prisoner, seemed way to cocky.  He enters Stan's cell like he had been in the system a long time -- maybe he had been.  It's his age that makes me think he just arrived.

Anyway, I would have thought Tyler would be more guarded.  But of course, that would spin your story around.

I liked the sympathetic prison guard, the things he did to benefit Stan.
Stan was fascinating in a somewhat 2-D sense.  I just wish you could have brought out more about him as a person.  His existence revolves around a smoke.  that's fine, but I'd like to see you lift his personality above and beyond the cigarette.
Most writers do flesh out such a character, but usually in a very expository way.  You avoided the exposition, but in your case, as a writer with your skills, you could probably figure out a way to give background without making it read flat.

In conclusion, this study is among my favorites.  If for nothing else, your masterful writing style.  While the descriptions at times ran long, I was never bored.  It was a quick ride and I loved the tension and the addiction.  I don't smoke, but I feel like I've been inhaling smoke for the past five minutes .  Excellent job.
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Posted: March 5th, 2008, 8:15pm Report to Moderator

rockford illinois
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this is just my 2 cents but i think Tyler would be cocky because he is young. the younger prisoners are usually the biggest troublemakers because they haven't learned the 'prison code' and are just generally naive.
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Site Private Message Reply: 19 - 32
Pete B. Lane
Posted: March 8th, 2008, 5:07pm Report to Moderator

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Great, my identity has been revealed and I can respond to my critics.

First, a big Thank You to all who took the time to read and review Last Cigarette, I really do appreciate it.

I'll start with a few things that were mentioned by multiple reviewers:

~The action blocks were lengthy, I agree (but clunky?). They have been tightened up a bit already.

~Many assumed that Tyler died from the poisoned cigarette, but that's not what I intended. He passed out and fell, but he didn't necessarily die instantly. As I see it, he did die, but it was due to the lack of treatment for the poisoning and head wound (as he fell). I'll clarify that in the script.

~Stan's inner monologue has been tweaked to give him a bit more personality.

~Speaking of Stan's V.O. and its, uh, unique format:   What I was trying to accomplish was to give the impression of incomplete,  disconnected thought. People don't generally think in complete sentences (I don't at least). It was an experiment that didn't completely work (though still kind of like it). It has been changed.

Now to specific comments:

Quoted from chism
This is also the only challenge script I can remember reading that really tries to open up the prison world...

Thanks, that's what I was going for. I resisted taking the story out of the prison, but I wanted to open up the setting as much as possible.

Quoted from pwhitcroft
The second distraction was the line “Just then, all other noise drops out”...

What I meant there was that all the crowd noise dropped out as he held the smoke in his lungs. It wasn't clear, it's been changed. Thanks for mentioning it.

Quoted from bert
Strongest dialogue yet this go round -- bar none...

Can I hazard a guess that this one was written by a smoker?

Wow, thanks Bert, that's very kind. No, I'm not a smoker, but I've lived with a few.

That about does it. Thanks again for all the fair critiques and very nice compliments. This was my first  script submitted to an OWC and to SimplyScripts, so I'm pleased with the generally positive response. I'm working on another draft now. I admit it won't be significantly different, but all (well, most) comments will be taken into consideration and will help make it better, I'm sure.

Any further comments or questions are very welcome.

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Posted: August 10th, 2009, 7:31pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer


Over there.
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You've not had a comment on this for a while, so I'm glad to bring it back into view. It may now get read by some who haven't yet had the pleasure.

It's a strongly written piece. I see most of what I was going to add has already been said by others.

Just to say the pages flew by. Good dialogue and an intriguing story.

It does make cigarettes taste a little different afterwards. Get some more work up, I'd like to see some.


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Posted: August 10th, 2009, 9:39pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Wherever I go, there Jwent.

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Very good script. Beautifully written. Very filmable IMO. Everyone else seemed to like it. I won't argue with them.

I have only one problem. I'm a huge realist. Bleach or painting chemicals dipped on a ciggy would never kill somebody that quick. Even Anthrax takes longer than that. If you've got some magic chemical concoction to take someone out with one hit, please let me know... My ex still smokes. lol.

Great work overall...              James

Private Message Reply: 22 - 32
Pete B. Lane
Posted: August 11th, 2009, 5:45am Report to Moderator

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Quoted from jwent6688
I have only one problem. I'm a huge realist. Bleach or painting chemicals dipped on a ciggy would never kill somebody that quick...

First, thanks for the read and the kind words. It's been a year and a half since I wrote this and I really didn't expect to get any more reads out of it.

Getting to your point, which I addressed earlier, but I don't mind mentioning it again.

I didn't mean to imply that the cigarette killed him that quickly - or killed him at all in fact. I intended for the chemical concoction to sicken him and make him lose consciousness, which caused him to collapse and slam his head on the toilet. I know it's not clear, which is my fault.

Thanks again for taking the time to read and comment on it!

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Posted: August 11th, 2009, 6:53am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Wherever I go, there Jwent.

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Sorry for not reading previous posts. I can agree I gues as we plow through our scripts, most people will assume he's died. Even on film, i don't know how you could show this any different. Not much of a big deal, though. I purposely try to nit-pic just in case it may help. Very well written, actually envious of your skills.

Love to see something else from you...                James

Private Message Reply: 24 - 32
Posted: August 11th, 2009, 7:10am Report to Moderator

I'm back :)

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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first script I have read for quite some time. I really enjoyed this.
Being a smoker, I understood what Stan was going through and yes, you would almost kill for another cigarette, if you are an addicted smoker....
great little story...I truly enjoyed it.

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Site Private Message Reply: 25 - 32
Pete B. Lane
Posted: August 11th, 2009, 10:50am Report to Moderator

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Thanks again James and rendevous (I almost forgot to thank you).

Thanks, Elis, for the read and the comments.

Is there anything in particular that any of you would like me to read and review? I would only be fair. Thanks for dusting off this old thread.
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Private Message Reply: 26 - 32
Posted: August 11th, 2009, 3:27pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Wherever I go, there Jwent.

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I've got one script up so far, but I'm pretty much done with working on it. So I'd like to save your review for some of my new stuff. I'll let you know when its posted. If your bored my current script is attached to my signature. It would almost be a waste though, I've no plans to revise it.

Private Message Reply: 27 - 32
Posted: August 17th, 2009, 1:33pm Report to Moderator

Feets don't fail me now!

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Hey Pete,
That was a fun, quick read. Great characters and great dialogue! I was bummed for the conclusion of the ol' man, which means you did your job. I obviously really cared about him. Impressive for something so short.


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Site Private Message Reply: 28 - 32
Posted: February 4th, 2010, 9:01pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Oh Hi

San Diego, California
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I had the worst fucking time posting this.  Fucking PC piece of crap can't do simple fucking tasks.  Holy crapcake.  

Anyway, Hey Pete,

Thought I'd bump this up for you.

Nice easy read here.  It takes a pretty bad thing with smoking and actually turns it into something I liked by the end with how Stan used it to kill Tyler.

Right off the bat there's a couple big chunks of description.  I'd break that up if you were to ever revise this. The VOs also seemed a bit strange for this piece.  Aside from the very last one, they weren't very effective at all and I think they could be used as regular dialogue for Stan since most of them are just "fuck this, fuck that."  Didn't really seem like the best of times to use them.

I don't know how much I was supposed to feel for Stan.  I feel for him in the sense that he's an older guy and he's been there a while, but since his backstory is a mystery I'm not exactly sure if I should feel for him.  Regardless, the exchanges between him and Tyler were good and the ending was a nice little packaged deal where the bad guy(s?) die really because of smoking haha.  

So a nice easy piece here.  Hope ya get some looks.


Be excellent to each other
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