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  Author    Shortlisted - OWC  (currently 1305 views)
Posted: August 8th, 2018, 9:52pm Report to Moderator

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Nice, active writing.
The writing will really help the actors, director understand your vision, but be careful not to go too far beyond what can easily be seen. A couple times you seemed to brush up against being unfilmable.
But the writing kept me moving through the story nicely.
A couple confusing things.,.
1] He seems not to live with Emily, so how does Dominique know where she lives?
2] I can't imagine having someone breaking into my hotel room and stopping for a pee.
Finally, I think for me the heat doesn't play a role. It's just there.
Nice work! Keep going! I'd like to see this a couple drafts later.
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Posted: August 9th, 2018, 10:05pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

… but some dreams do

Upstate NY
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I'm not really sure what I just read. Haha. Don't mean to say that, but there were instances--such as Emily and the dog figurine, that left me bewildered. How he found the bag of coke and made a break for it is very good anticipation on his prospective employers end in knowing he would go for it. Only in the movies, I guess. However, I feel you have the genesis for a story here, and a good one. This is one I'd work on further after the challenge. Decent job.


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Posted: August 10th, 2018, 3:00am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Let's see how this one turns out.

Is your pseudonym a pun on "Luke Surfboards"?

Jeff's right about one thing, the title page is strangely skewed center-right instead of dead center. Not a good start. If I were a producer and were handed this script, I'd take one look at the title page and be skeptical.

I would exercise caution if you chose to use bold. I wouldn't bold FADE IN:, which should be formatted as if it were a shot, so as not to be mistaken for a slug.

DAWN is acceptable if used sparingly. Normally, you want to stick to DAY and NIGHT.

Quoted Text
The dim sunlight

Be careful here. The challenge is summer heat/winter cold, depending on your side of the Equator. If you fail this part of the challenge, you fail it all.

"Eyewitnesses" to what? You didn't say this was a crime script.

Quoted Text
By the next block, a BLONDE in [a] bikini

Make sure your grammar isn't too far off the mark. You want to make a good (first) impression.

I would have put "She is gone" (or just "She's gone") on its own line, since it implies a different shot.

Make sure you don't get "bated" confused with "baited." Lots of people make that mistake. For the record, you're correct: It is "bated breath."

Quoted Text
[As he does so, he develops] a weaker smile and a slower breath.

Avoid redundant redundancy like the plague.

Is Brant supposed to be a peeping Tom or a creeper? Why is he hiding behind the bushes? What's with the dog figurine?

Quoted Text

A bit generic. I'd give it a name, even a fake one. Is it a cliché office job? Google? Construction? Telemarketing? Law firm? McDonald's? It's your script; this is your job.

Quoted Text
Well-groomed, clean shirt, Brant looks ready to kick ass.

You just described every job in the world? Is he wearing a plain white T-shirt? Office suit?

Quoted Text
Brant follows them with his eyes.

I sure hope Brant's eyes were in their sockets when he followed the cops. :p I'd instead rewrite this as:

Quoted Text
Brant watches them. His eyes follow the cops' tracks.

Something like that. Avoid confusing or awkward sentences.

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still[-]under-construction office. DRILLING, HAMMERING, and SAWING sounds assault his ears.

Capping implies sound.

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A RECEPTIONIST (25), tall and athletic, shows up.

Male of female?

Quoted Text

This style choice may prove controversial. Some of these scripts have been lambasted for having their characters even so much as open their mouths. Mine is no exception. I approached it as if it were a silent film, and people told me I was cheating. Again, you can't please everybody.

When the P.O.V. ends, please tell us. Usually, you do this with "BACK TO SCENE", but since you decided to cut to a new scene, it might get confusing.

Quoted Text
Brant sits alone on a chair, reading something off his phone:

Now, I would assume this isn't CCTV POV, correct? No way would it pick up that kind of detail, even in HD.

Those job requirements. It seems you're setting up/foreshadowing something.

Quoted Text

I would just use LATER.

I see the weather has finally come into play.

Quoted Text
She checks her drawers

I hope you mean these drawers, dude!

Quoted Text

Only use LATER when back-to-back scenes are in the exact same location. And please remember to use the DAY and NIGHT indicators. A reader can be easily confused.

I would have opened page three with an establishing shot of the motel. Just describe the setting. Keep it short and sweet.

Did he steal all that money?  

Some people don't mind asides, and some hate them. Exercise caution. In my opinion it works here:

Quoted Text

Brant’s eyes open. He lifts his head. Was the bang from outside or from a dream? It’s nothing. Back to sleep.

Weather element? Check.
No dialogue? Check.
Suspense? Check.

Quoted Text

For me, this is a bit redundant. I'd change it to MOTEL BATHROOM, or just BATHROOM.

Quoted Text
O.S. The motel room door CREAKS open.

How can we see this if it's O.S.? A sound effect, yes, but never write a visual element this way.

"promptly holds" what? His phone? The creaky door?

Quoted Text
O.S. Dominique OPENS drawers, FLIPS the mattress, PEELS the sheets.

Again,  how do we know this? It's O.S.

Quoted Text
Brant’s face contorts. He can’t hold it any longer. He finishes it inside his shorts. Urine runs down his legs.

WTF? He's right next to the damn toilet!

So... are we still in the dark?

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Brant runs fast enough for the Olympic’s gold for hundred meters.

Do you mean...?

Quoted Text
Brant runs fast enough for the Olympics gold for one hundred meters.

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Brant runs fast enough for the Olympics gold for four hundred meters.

I'm confused. If you must keep the aside, I'd change it to:

Quoted Text
Brant runs fast enough for the Olympics.

We get the message in half the number of words.

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Dominique bursts out of the room running for silver.

Silver? Who does he think he is, The Lone Ranger?

Quoted Text

Reads a little silly. I'd write it as:

Quoted Text

Quoted Text
Gunshots chase after Brant[,] but he is over the fence already.

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Soon enough, the car’s headlights reveal Dominique riding a motorcycle with its lights turned off.

How does that work, exactly?

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The clouds gather.

What clouds? I'm confused.

Keep in mind, pitch black means you literally can't see a damn thing, unless it's night vision or something (Silence of the Lambs).

Quoted Text

You mean...?

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

If I weren't almost at the end, I'd bail.

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The lights turn on and Brant finds himself an invited guest of a pool party of HUGE, TATTOOED MEN and their GIRLS.


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They all stare at him in a silent demand for an explanation.

They're certainly not alone.

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A moment... then everyone CHEERS and ROARS in excitement.

WTF? Total change of pace? Is this a pisser? Nothing makes sense. The only reason I'm continuing is because I'm near the end anyway.

Quoted Text
“I know where you live.”

Make up your mind? Is this a thriller or a stoner party comedy?

Emily again? Who is she and why is she in this script?

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He swings at him but Dominique dodges each of his punches like freaking [Muhammad] Ali, then he headbutts him.

If this isn't a pisser...

Quoted Text
Her reaction kills him.

Literally or figuratively?


Quoted Text
They are the same cops who arrested Dominique earlier.

That makes somewhat more sense.

What... the... fuck... did I just read? I know this certainly won't make my shortlist. Thanks for entering, though. Six pages I'll never get back.

P.S. Mark, M.O.S. stands for Mit Out Sound (without sound). It's named in reference to some German director.

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Private Message Reply: 17 - 20
Posted: August 11th, 2018, 3:27pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Vancouver, BC
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I liked where this was going, but the nonsense piled on too much.

Excellent use of the CCTV and M.O.S. to get past the no dialogue restriction. I liked everything about the initial setup, including finding the "treasure," which was obvious to me as part of the interview process. I was glad to see that, I had reservations about a story about an interview without dialogue.

Where it started to fall apart was in the motel room. Surely Dominique couldn't have expected Brant to be awake, so what was his plan exactly if this is all a test? The "treasure" was on the nightstand, why is Dominique tossing the room looking for it? How badly did Brant have to pee if he'd already started and then couldn't hold the rest?

It seems you tried to make him fit each of the job requirements, but as the employer for whatever shady activity they're into, their plan makes no sense. And if that doesn't make sense, none of it does.

A nice try, it has some potential if you address the second half.

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Site Private Message Reply: 18 - 20
Pale Yellow
Posted: August 11th, 2018, 11:20pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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I really like your logline.

B/W CCTV CAMERA P.O.V. (M.O.S.)--do not need in spec scripts

Love this job requirement... makes me wonder -- A fast runner. -
Fearless when the situation demands it.

A bit confused... one minute the AC bag has a serpent (a snake?) inside it and the next it has money rolls and cocaine in it? How did that happen?? Is this like a magician's bag or something???

A little confusion along the way.... found myself skimming on this one a bit.

I do like how you came full circle at the end.

Good job.

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ghost and_ghostie gal
Posted: August 13th, 2018, 3:26am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

A helluva long way from LA
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I have no dog in this fight, doesn't mean I can't place my bets.

On the upside, nowhere in the genre did it say anything about this being a comedy, but I must have been hitting the zany sauce pretty hard,  because I found myself laughing, as I read this...

On the downside, motel 6 says they'll leave the light on for you, but once we arrived..I was completely in the FREAKIN' dark.... I had a hard time following what the heck was going on, so I read it again.  I got it.  Although the ending felt abrupt.

I thought this was a fun read and entertaining.


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