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Soulshadows is a weekly supernatural anthology series. Join Tanis, each week, as she highlights an item from her collection – each one containing the shadow of a very special soul.
First up is an episode entitled Nine Circles, a modern tale showing that greed can run much more than skin-deep.
The second episode, The Rice Children is an ancient tale that asks the timeless question, is it better to be fed, or dead?
The third episode, Reflection asks what price would you pay for fame and fortune?
The fourth episode, Tonight You Belong To Me learn that true love has no bounds, and even the slightest act of devotion can carry tremendous weight.
The fifth episode Deadlights we discover what happens when a fishing vessel comes across a deserted naval ship which holds a terrifying secret. This can't end well.
{note: click the script title to go to that scripts' thread. Once there, click the script title to read the script}
Nine Circles by PC (me), Tanis by: Robert Newcomer - Series, Short - Soulshadows - pdf, format
The Rice Children by Michael Cornetto, Tanis by: Robert Newcomer - Series, Short - Soulshadows - pdf, format
Reflection by Stephen Brown (stebrown), Tanis by: Robert Newcomer - Series, Short - Soulshadows - pdf, format
Tonight You Belong To Me by Mike Shelton, Tanis by: Robert Newcomer - Series, Short - Shoulshadows - pdf, format
Deadlights by Jordan Wiebe (theboywhocouldfly), Tanis by: Robert Newcomer - Series, Short - Soulshadows - pdf, format
I guess I don't get a chance to tease everyone all week about who the narrator is. I was looking forward to that too.
The narrator is Tanis and you've seen her as the avatar of her author, Robert Newcomer. And let me tell you right here, she's quite a character.
So now that you've been introduced, sit down with that first episode and get to know one another. You never know what you might find in Tanis' collection.
That's on me, Alffy. Don got the first one up pronto -- right before I went on two weeks' vacation. Just got back Sunday.
Cornetto's is done, and we got a couple more "in the can" -- but weekly output can quickly overwhelm readers -- and since Don put up about 75 scripts the week after the pilot, we decided to let the buzz wear off of Pia's first.
Cornetto has been patient with me, and I will be sending it back to him for his final approval in the next day or two. I like his episode, too -- the setting and scenario are quite unique.
OK, that last post made me feel guilty. I have wrapped up the next episode and shipped it back to Cornetto to finalize -- and he is usually pretty fast.
For those following the evolution of this series, the Tanis segment is shorter now, and will remain shorter. The long introduction I composed was just to set the stage for the pilot episode.
Tanis is just me having some fun -- the real stars here should be the authors themselves.
The fourth episode, by the way -- from a popular author that most of us enjoy -- is probably my favorite thus far of this new batch.
The pause is giving this series a 'lost' kinda feel haha. But anyway I thought I was third Bert. Mixing up the schedule now are we? I liked the Tanis part too by the way, thought it fitted the feel of things well.
I'm having to rewrite my episode due to computer problems (all my celtx projects have been wiped -- still have the pdf). I can get it done in a day or two but what with the OWC and I'm thinking of new things while I rewrite I might spend a little longer. If it's okay with everyone I'll get it done by Friday at the latest?
Friday shouldn't be a problem. It should give most everyone a chance to read the OWC entries. Don't forget to send the PDF off to me when your done so that I can do a cover page for you. You PDF should not include a cover page. And I think I know what your item is but you might want to mention it in your email.
Yes -- not jumping into the middle of the one-week challenge with something new is both a smart move in terms of garnering reads, and also a courtesy to the participants.
I've been swamped over here, Ste -- and I haven't been in any big rush for the reasons cited above. It's coming -- I promise...