All screenplays on the and domain are copyrighted to their respective authors. All rights reserved. This screenplaymay not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.
May I ask why Bobby P. was not also named as an author? He had a big part in the making of the script. And I think he deserves to be named as co-author.
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Gerlinde - I liked the story. I'm a smoker so maybe it's more relatable to me.
I'd have the dude spending a little more time - in a panic - searching the house trying to find that one stray cigarette.
It's not a good idea to repeat your location. It is a waste of words and slows down the read. i.e, take Dustin's advice here. I can find typos in pro scripts - doesn't mean I'd put them in mine
Look for more vibrant - more efficient - words. It'll make your work pop more.
Let's look at the opening as an example.
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A dirty living room that has not been cleaned for a long time.
Could simply be:
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Empty beer and liquor bottles are lying on the floor, the table, and the broken sofa.
lying - meh. How about "scattered"
Or something like that - point being when you go through your second draft look at the words you use to see if there isn't something more descriptive/active that could replace it - especially when it comes to verbs.
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This is the space of someone who has given up on life.
It's not a good idea to repeat your location. It is a waste of words and slows down the read. i.e, take Dustin's advice here. I can find typos in pro scripts - doesn't mean I'd put them in mine.
Why should not I do something that professional screenwriters do? Because I write for pleasure? That does not mean that I do not want to try to write according to professional standards! I try to do my best.
Why should not I do something that professional screenwriters do? Because I write for pleasure? That does not mean that I do not want to try to write according to professional standards! I try to do my best.