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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board    Screenwriting Discussion    The 2018 Writers' Tournament  ›  2018 Writers' Tournament Topic - Round 2. Moderators: Mr. Blonde
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  Author    2018 Writers' Tournament Topic - Round 2.  (currently 1263 views)
Mr. Blonde
Posted: March 23rd, 2018, 11:00am Report to Moderator

What good are choices if they're all bad?

Nowhere special.
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For the sixteen of you who moved on to round 2, congratulations. This is truly a time for celebration. What better way is there to celebrate than to have an event. Now, for your eight matchups, you will be tasked with a specific, randomly-selected event. There will be no rules on genre and the script length will max out at 8 pages. In addition, you will also be given the number one through four. This will be explained to you in your messages.

To avoid... issues like we had in the last round, you don't have to be perfect on the page length. If you go a few lines onto page 9, nobody's going to cut something off of you that you'll desperately miss. But, seriously, if you turn in a 15 page script, people are going to hate you and understandably so, so try and keep it as close to eight as possible.

I wish you all the best of luck and I will see you in round 3.

UPDATE: After having a few of the same questions about two specific aspects of the script, I'm going to be clear about them here.

1. The vast majority, if not all, of your script should take place during and at the ceremony you were given.

2. The people who die in your script have to die during the course of the script. They can't be dead before the script starts and they can't be dying as the script ends. They die, at some point, during your script.

Thank you.


Your celebration is an Anniversary. The number you have drawn is 1. This is your body count (1 person must die). Non-genre specific. 8 pages max.

Your celebration is a Birthday Party. The number you have drawn is 2. This is your body count (2 people must die). Non-genre specific. 8 pages max.

Your celebration is a High School Reunion. The number you have drawn is 4+. This is your body count (4 or more people must die). Non-genre specific. 8 pages max.

Your celebration is an Office Party. The number you have drawn is 3. This is your body count (3 people must die). Non-genre specific. 8 pages max.

Your celebration is a Prom. The number you have drawn is 3. This is your body count (3 people must die). Non-genre specific. 8 pages max.

Your celebration is a Wedding. The number you have drawn is 2. This is your body count (2 people must die). Non-genre specific. 8 pages max.

Your celebration is a Bachelor/Bachelorette Party. The number you have drawn is 4+. This is your body count (4 or more people must die). Non-genre specific. 8 pages max.

Your celebration is a Graduation. The number you have drawn is 1. This is your body count (1 person must die). Non-genre specific. 8 pages max.

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Don  -  March 25th, 2018, 11:05pm
The topics
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Posted: March 25th, 2018, 11:05pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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