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Hmmm... I just didn't care about anyone in this or the story itself. The outlier wig joke in the middle really threw me and it never reeled me back in. I kept hoping for something big to want me to like this more but it just didn't strike me. The extra blank page tacked on the end of this almost got an immediate DQ. I'm glad I checked.
Short notes: "Picassos and Rembrants of splatter": A kind of aside/comparison that I actually accept on the page (@ spell check gives me Rembrandt btw). It showed you identified with the sickness needed to write that topic in proper manner. Then however there are too many characters for me, no real outstanding protagonist either. A lot of off screen noise this and that. Jill's repetitive dialogue slows down the plot. There was some atmosphere lurking from behind that was spot on. But all this out there, talk about what happens/did happen elsewhere, combined with all the actual location transitions, prevented it from being a coherent piece in my eyes.
I may even guess who the writer is and I bed I'd make a correct guess. I know you love writing slashers that's what you do time and time over.
Actually Kham, I hate writing slashers. Not because I'm opposed to it or because it seems to be the calling card, but rather that I've been to that well once too often and wind up repeating old gags. I did find the 48hr deadline challenging, but I found myself going back to the well.
While extra time was permitted, I didn't start re-thinking my entry until Monday. That's normal, I always take a day or two to re access a script I've done in whole or in part.
I've decided to give it a rewrite. The wig is out. There will be more..stuff and a title change.
I'm not big on Prez bashing, regardless of who is in office, but I could not resist a wig joke or a subliminal gag on the creature's origins (at least in this draft) and also in recent months while I don't care for some women airing dirty laundry with a smile, that phone call from Prez Trump to Putin the other day made me think that I should have spelled it out that, yes, we did elect a muck monster into office and he does devour everything in sight and people get fired or quit almost on a daily rotation.
Quoted from PrussianMosby
too many characters
I counted four. Six if you include two dead characters. A bakers dozen if you include the rest of the dead and dying in the hallway.
Anyway, I flipped a coin and it came up heads so I am rewriting this. I just haven't decided on a new title yet. I'd like to thank all who voted, not just for me but also for Warren, who did a good job.
I think this is the best thing you've ever written. I don't remember ever giving your work a score as high as 3/5 before.
One of the reasons why I'm revising it., even though I think I've done better and with similar themes. Sure, those scripts might not be set in The White House, The Senate Floor or the Pentagon, but it is, by definition:
a) two or more characters trapped in a single location or area b) killer, movie monster etc. among them and/or hunting them outside.
I also usually show restraint in carnage type scenes. Not that I don't like them, but because if overdone it can get repetitive and i fthe visual gets to the point, there's no need to dwell on the rest. Readers might be eating lunch.
Then again, one fellas trash is another person's art I 'spose. Thanks for your input.
I'm interested in reading animation, horror, sci fy, suspense, fantasy, and anything that is good. I enjoy writing the same. Looking to team with anyone!
The wig joke is still in, but it is under a different circumstance. It is not the origin of the monster. The monster's origin and how it got to the Capital are in a new opening and/or the "new" four pages. I hope folks give a re-read or a chance if they haven't read the previous version,, but considering that the new batch of MM will be up soon, it's understandable if it does not happen right away.
I think you need a better word than sprinkles. Maybe drops or droplets. When I see the work sprinkles I think of fairy bread, or kids doing arts and crafts. It doesn’t go with the mood you’re trying to set.
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lifts her head first to her
lifts her, head first, to her... reads much better.
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HECTOR Let’s get it on bitch!
Let's get it on, bitch!
Quoted Text
KAY Sorry Hector.
Sorry, Hector. Comma required whenever addressing someone directly in dialogue.
Can turn the character CONT'D's off in your software, they aren’t required.
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hand in hand with a woman
Woman needs to be capitalised as it's a character introduction.
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Spits it out, ends it flying.
Not sure what I'm looking at here.
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MAN’S VOICE (hallway) Son of a bitch shoot the thing!
Better written as MAN'S VOICE (O.S.), without the wrylie.
It’s a blood bath for sure.
The writing could use a general clean up. Some format and grammar issues throughout.
Story wise, I'm not sure how much the new beginning really adds.