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Okay, I confess — I laughed. Especially at the ending. Good job here. And Steven’s right. Very meta.
Best of luck, Gary
Some of my scripts:
Bounty (TV Pilot) -- Top 1% of discoverable screenplays on Coverfly I'll Be Seeing You (short) - OWC winner The Gambler (short) - OWC winner Skip (short) - filmed Country Road 12 (short) - filmed The Family Man (short) - filmed The Journeyers (feature) - optioned
Wasn't expecting that. Nice tongue in cheek story. Was quite funny, the 'goodest'. Made me laugh in places. This deserves to go a few rounds in the comp, if not win.
I liked the irony and the overall direction isn't bad, (good fourth wall breaking regarding the brevity of the very short the viewer is actually watching that moment… kind of). But a real out of this challenge form would have been doable, and actually, I believe, be much more entertaining, even justify a production perhaps. 3
Five Must Die - Low budget, contained horror thriller/Feature The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature
Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
I didn't really want to like this because it uses an old device writers fall back on when they can't think of what write about. That is, write about not having anything to write about. But, you turned it around for me. And everyone here can relate.
This was a good laugh. I'm a little conflicted with the words on the mug. They say to never write "unfilmables" and the word "goodest" will never fit visibly on a mug ha ha. Although to be honest, I don't like the choice anyways. I know that it pertains to the previous exchange where the husband says "I write good", but it shows the wife's sarcastic side-- an almost "I love you even if you're the worst writer" side. And this is at odds with her almost "cold" side that she exhibits in the punch line.
I feel like the wife that makes her struggling husband a sarcastic gift, would never be the wife that says "fuck it" and walks out of the room not giving it to him. It would be better IMO to give them a sort of "Rosanne and Dan" dynamic from the start.
This idea ran through my head at every stage of the contest. Breaking the 4th wall is too easy. Would have preferred that the writer tried to live up to the challenge. This has no 'real world' relevance outside of this contest.
Hmm, well, "possibly" I gave one star too many here, not sure, but there's also some fresh and unique within here, that communicates somehow, to me at least, in an odd way, 'well, I show someone who writes what you see now', which I find interesting. Then your very last sentence is where it lacks, yap. As a whole, it shouldn't go into its overall and definite 'we're into this specific contest here direction'.
I mean, what needs to be done to make this understandable to others… place a legend into the text field under the youtube screen that says we had a challenge here and it relies on this and that and then it's funny if you understand in context to A and B… no, does not work
So, I know what you mean but some aspects still work for me as is.
I enjoyed the wife's part. She's a smart cookie. Him? Not so much. Had a too familiar feel for me - the: 'I write good' thing. I dunno, it might make a funny short film.
I'm interested in reading animation, horror, sci fy, suspense, fantasy, and anything that is good. I enjoy writing the same. Looking to team with anyone!
That was great, Dave. Very well produced and the actors had excellent comedic timing. So random that this was produced but it works well even for someone that doesn't understand the internal struggle that is winning a crappy mug :p
That was great, Dave. Very well produced and the actors had excellent comedic timing. So random that this was produced but it works well even for someone that doesn't understand the internal struggle that is winning a crappy mug :p
Don’t think I read any of the scripts from this tournament, might just pour over some of them later. This was actually really funny; the dude they picked nailed the whole emotional torment many o’ SS writers can relate to, well done!