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So since there will be a large number of short reads of variable quality, I’d suggest a trick to help calibrate your 1-to-5 scale. Read through a handful of them before giving any ratings (people with scads of spare time could read them all before giving any ratings). Rate the initial sample last.
That will give you a notion of what’s out there, so you don’t end up regretting a 5 when you find something even better... or end up giving everyone a 1 due to unrealistic expectations under these parameters.
So since there will be a large number of short reads of variable quality, I’d suggest a trick to help calibrate your 1-to-5 scale. Read through a handful of them before giving any ratings (people with scads of spare time could read them all before giving any ratings). Rate the initial sample last.
That will give you a notion of what’s out there, so you don’t end up regretting a 5 when you find something even better... or end up giving everyone a 1 due to unrealistic expectations under these parameters.
I'm no math major, but since it appears that Sean was good to us readers (by abusing the writers) in giving us 24 total pages to read, I'll probably read them all first before rating them.
I'll probably rate them on a curve too, taking into consideration how hard it is to convey a story on a single page.
Isiah, I always click on "recent threads" in the top right menu. Also, if you can see "Writers Tournament" under the ticking clock - you can click that one and it will take you to the whole deal. All the tournament thread including the newest entries. It's three threads under the ticking clock. I mean the ticking clock in the top right-hand menu - it's up there and it's not ticking anymore. To the left of the movie banner. Hope you find it.