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Feelings? Feelings? I tried that last round and it got me knocked out!! So, I don't know how good that advice is.
I am almost glad that I did get knocked out because the idea of writing a 1 page story looks scary.
Not that I wouldn't mind the trial.
I should say, trying to write a 1 page GOOD story seems daunting. Even more daunting is to not make it a skit..
Well, yeah it was close with yours and I'm sorry for you since it was a bold attempt to go there. But feelings does not necessarily mean sentimental feelings, could also be anger or scare or feel intelligent, subtle, even confusing or easy… I just think the worst you can do in whatever kind of expression is evoke nothing, being trivial.
Just reread mine and am second guessing. Maybe I should've written each in reverse time order. Then, for good measure, done a William Burroughs -- that is, cut all three into pieces, mix them up, and reassemble.
I was actually going to do a script about fishing this round in reverse order, but realised it would be boring whether I did it forwards, backwards, or sideways. Oh well.
I, too, had a concept that connected the three pages in a unique way. Can't say what that is without outing myself on one of my scripts. I abandoned the idea out of an abundance of caution.
I'll share the idea when the round is over.
Five Must Die - Low budget, contained horror thriller/Feature The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature
Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
Woah, just noticing this, happy to have made your list, Alex.
PK is on my list of most watched, by the way. You hear me, PK? I'm watching you.
Oh, snap. No pressure. As it sits, at least two of my scripts are set to disappoint. But, you've inspired me (terrified me) into taking another pass to see if I can't find some way... any way... to make them worthy.
Five Must Die - Low budget, contained horror thriller/Feature The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature
Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
Agreed, Blood Brothers was a thoroughly enjoyable script. Last rounds highlight for me.
That's multiple compliments from you. I do appreciate it. It calms the angst-filled creative side of me.
I'm trying to rewrite Blood Brothers to smooth out a few of the problems. If I can't find someone else to shoot it, I may just do it myself. Haven't tried that before!
Five Must Die - Low budget, contained horror thriller/Feature The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature
Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
That's multiple compliments from you. I do appreciate it. It calms the angst-filled creative side of me.
Based on your previous two scripts I think you're a strong competitor for the win.
Also, most of the 8 writers that are left are SS regulars and established as good writers. You're a bit of a dark horse (actually let's go with Trojan horse).
I had never read any your work before this comp, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for it from now on.
Good luck, I look forward to seeing what you put out.
Following on from my last comment, I'm very happy to be sharing the quarters with some of my favourite writers, Dave, Anthony, and James. Wouldn't be a loss to go out from this point.
Not sure I'd still be here anyway if Steve Miles and Mark Renshaw had entered. Steve's work blows me away every time, he's one of the most consistently brilliant writers here, in my opinion.