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The Writers’ Tournament Round 3. (currently 8012 views)
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 12:01am
Of The Ancients
A man who has taught his mind to misbehave
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Better to have people honestly evaluate all of the scripts.
Great idea in a perfect world but I don't think this will happen, I guarantee some great scripts will get really low scores and it will get put down to personal preference.
Reply: 30 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 12:12am
January Project Group
Location Southern California
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There is a way to handle that, but Sean is making this hard on himself already. (Basically you calculate the mean and standard deviation of scores by a particular rater, and normalize all of their scores. Then it wouldn't matter if they gave mostly 1s and a 3, or mostly 3s and a 5.) Better to have people honestly evaluate all of the scripts. If the board can do ratings, then each writer just silently gives their own stuff 5s. If not, Sean can add those in at the end or not, it wouldn't make a difference.
All due respect, but this is a writing exercise not an Oscar nomination. Is is the case with all of our challenges we trust each other to act in good faith. If somehow someone doesn't the consequence is unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
Reply: 31 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 12:55am
Of The Ancients
A man who has taught his mind to misbehave
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One down. It's not great but it will have to do.
Reply: 32 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 6:40am
January Project Group
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One down. It's not great but it will have to do.
So we should be on the lookout for a psychological thriller about manipulating scores in the 2018 Writer’s Tournament?
Just kidding. Kudos for getting this far and getting it done.
Reply: 33 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 8:46am
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One pagers, three of them for each contestant… well, if that's not the supreme discipline, haha. No, seriously looking forward what you come up with. I love the shorts short. I just made a list who's still in because it's hard to overview where and what, searched a while myself. So as I see it, the quarter-finalists are:Stumpzian AnthonyCawood PKCardinal MarkItZero Warren RJP stevie eldave1 Good luck and have a happy Easter holidays with few but effective writing, shouted from the sideline.
Reply: 34 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 10:24am
January Project Group
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I have a parameter suggestion for this round. Since these are one-pagers, they should be just that. One page only. No going over to Page 2, not even a few lines. Henry
Reply: 35 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 10:27am
January Project Group
Location Southern California
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One pagers, three of them for each contestant… well, if that's not the supreme discipline, haha. No, seriously looking forward what you come up with. I love the shorts short. I just made a list who's still in because it's hard to overview where and what, searched a while myself. So as I see it, the quarter-finalists are:Stumpzian AnthonyCawood PKCardinal MarkItZero Warren RJP stevie eldave1 Good luck and have a happy Easter holidays with few but effective writing, shouted from the sideline.
Thanks, buddy
Reply: 36 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 12:18pm
January Project Group
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I have a parameter suggestion for this round. Since these are one-pagers, they should be just that. One page only. No going over to Page 2, not even a few lines. Henry
Well, I'm not writing but there was a one-page challenge back at MP (another site) and if anyone ever went over a page he would be automatically disqualified. I think it was a fair practice.
Reply: 37 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 12:23pm
Old Timer
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This is so much less work, I'm lovin' it! Almost done with number two. No idea if they're actually any good but that's what cash bribes are for.
That rug really tied the room together.
Reply: 38 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 12:31pm
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I have a parameter suggestion for this round. Since these are one-pagers, they should be just that. One page only. No going over to Page 2, not even a few lines. Henry
What kind of scumbag would go over the page limit?
Reply: 39 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 12:34pm
Old Timer
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Well, I'm not writing but there was a one-page challenge back at MP (another site) and if anyone ever went over a page he would be automatically disqualified. I think it was a fair practice.
It was hardcore, I once wrote the words 'The End' on the sixth page, got disqualified.
Reply: 40 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 1:44pm
January Project Group
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Three done, I'm just gonna keep writing them until I run out of ideas and post the 'best' three.
Reply: 41 - 128
Mr. Blonde
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 2:08pm
Administrator What good are choices if they're all bad?
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Three done, I'm just gonna keep writing them until I run out of ideas and post the 'best' three.
Different genres?...
Reply: 42 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 2:36pm
January Project Group
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First three are, my fourth is a repeat so will have to pick one... I'm surprised no one has asked yet... so I will, sub genres... horror and horror-comedy, one genre or two?
Reply: 43 - 128
Posted: March 31st, 2018, 2:45pm
January Project Group
Location Kansas
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First three are, my fourth is a repeat so will have to pick one... I'm surprised no one has asked yet... so I will, sub genres... horror and horror-comedy, one genre or two?
Was wondering myself, so I'm going 3 distinct genres, just to be safe.
Punted a pretty good overall concept, too, in the abundance of caution.
PaulKWrites.comFive Must Die - Low budget, contained horror thriller/FeatureThe Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/FeatureWait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
Reply: 44 - 128
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